Business & Economics, Personal Finance, Money Management
Sunsets and Granite Counter Tops
by Carl Stars
Are you living a “checklist life”? Are you getting married, working a 9–5 job, and buying a house in the suburbs because you want to, or because that’s what we are all “supposed” to do? Carl Stars was doing just that—“winning” at the game of...
Home Run
The Reverse Mortgage Advantage by Steven Ranson and Yvonne Ziomecki
In this easy-to-understand book, HomeEquity Bank CEO Steven Ranson and Executive Vice President Yvonne Ziomecki discuss the ins and outs of reverse mortgages and how they can provide Canadians 55+ with a secure retirement.
Freedom from Household Debt
The Simplest Path to Financial Freedom by Stanley Ngwa
DO YOU HAVE DEBT? Are you feeling stressed about it? You are not alone. In Canada, household debt is about $2.2 trillion. If you worry it’s impossible to get out of debt, help is here. Stanley Ngwa has successfully applied this 10-stage program...
Art Of Debt Management
A Reference Guide For Your Optimum Debt Solutions by Liv Babra
Many Canadians face financial crises at some time in their lives. While some debt problems require professional assistance, most are easily resolved if they’re caught early enough. The key to such resolutions is admitting you have a problem...
Living Your Dream
A Practical Resource to Enhance Personal Wealth Creation and Management by Larry Wilson
Each of us has our own personal vision of what we want to achieve and experience over the course of our life. The challenge is managing our time and resources in a manner that allows that vision to be achieved. Living Your Dream is designed to...
Your Digital Undertaker
Exploring Death in the Digital Age in Canada by Sharon Hartung
If you are an adult Canadian who uses e-mail and surfs the internet, this book is for you. In a unique and humorous way, this former military officer and tech executive shares what she’s learned about the estate industry and the taboo topic of...
Kids Get Rich
Teaching Children the Secrets to Wealth and Success by G&G Plytas
Financial literacy and planning are more important than ever, and much of what we need to know to be successful is never taught in school. Children often grow up without a sound understanding of their own finances, leaving them unprepared as they...
Your first step in Financial Security by Brian Hogben
Imagine having the financial security to pursue your dreams. Imagine not having to live paycheck to paycheck. Imagine living a life with no limitations. What’s stopping you from turning this dream into a reality? The answer for many of us, is...
Buffet, Munger Marathon Investing
Passion Investing by Dr. Jack Burrow
In the fifteen years he’s been teaching, Dr. Jack Burrow has observed something disturbing. His students at the University of North Carolina Dental School, Department of Orthodontics are the brightest of the bright…but few of them understand the...
Directions to Easy Street
Living the Lifestyle You Deserve by Robert S. Keller
Finally. A book of contemporary facts called “DIRECTIONS TO EASY STREET” that addresses your concerns about “LIVING THE LIFESTYLE YOU DESERVE” from the financial perspective. Clearly, ‘the good old days’ are behind you. There is no doubt that you...